Once you have received your order, you have 15 days to make a return. Please note that the return must be received in our warehouse before the 15 days. All items must be in their original condition, unworn, unwashed and unaltered. Also all the labels must remain attached. Any returns received which do not meet our return policy requirements may be refused. If you are receiving multiple shipments for the same order, please wait until you have received everything to initiate your return.
If you have any questions about this policy, feel free to contact our team. Thank you for shopping with us this holiday season.
Please note: Gift Cards can not be refunded.
Cordera offers easy returns for all orders placed within The EU. There is a fee of 20€ for every return that will be deducted from your refund when the return is processed. The rest of international customers are responsible for the generated return costs. Please note, that we will be offering free worldwide shipping.
If you are interested in return a product, please follow the following steps:
1. Please, send us an email to with the order number, email account and collecting address to start the process of your return.
2. Once the return is accepted, you will receive an email with the prepaid return label and the steps to schedule a pick up.
3. Prepare the package: The returned articles should be in perfect conditions, packaged in the original remittance and the labels must remain attached. We kindly ask you to use the original package.
If you want to do an exchange for another size, you will need to make a return and place a new order.
The rest of international customers are responsible for the entire return process and also the generated return costs. We are not able to provide any prepaid label. If you are interested in return a product, please follow the following steps:
1. Please, send us an email to with the order number and your email account to start the process of your return.
2. Prepare the package: The returned articles should be in perfect conditions, packaged in the original remittance and the labels must remain attached. We kindly ask you to use the original package.
3. Send the package to : Cordera, Calle Picavia 5, 2D - 15004 A Coruña, Spain
Orders returned to us without a return authorization may face delays in processing.
Also please note, duty or customs charges may be incurred during the reintroduction on returns outside of the European Union. If so, this cost could be deducted from your refund when the return is processed.
The refund will automatically be issued, using the same method of payment which you used for the original purchase. Refunds will appear in your bank account within 3 – 5 working days after processing your order.
The shipping costs paid by the customer when placing their order are not refundable in any case (even if the return is partially off their order).
Please, kindly note that in case that you receive a damaged garment or package you must notify us within 24h attaching a picture of both. Also, we highly recommend you to specify “damaged package” to the courier at the delivery.
Cordera goal is to describe the products at the Website as correctly as possible. However, please note that due to the color settings of your computer, the colors of the products shown in the pictures on the Website can differ somewhat from their actual colors. Cordera cannot be held responsible for any such discrepancy.
If you have any doubts about your online order or any other questions please contact us:
Phone: +34 881 129 609